Wednesday, February 25, 2009'♥
Im bleeding inside♥

Sarah with her hmmm empty burger box! too bungry(hungry) ardy!

Carmen! sahe's juz doin frenchy friesy packet ad!! lolz, anyone booking her?

fiqah, was da coke too sour? lolz..hehe..she look choo adorable!

carmen's admiring her coke..don get her wrong ah!

straw in one nostril and her index finger in the other! hahaz

hehe tht's Fiqah eyebrows!! hot isnt it?!

Carmen's eyebrows look like sickle! such a powerful slash n ur head goes poof off ur neck!

Fiqah and carmen..hit ur looks into their eyebrows man! they look soo hot!

Fiqah and carmen aftr threading!

tht's fiqah during chem lesson! hehe..we were doin redox reactions bt ended up toking abt sarah's fall!! hahaZ
I had one of da best laughterz! infact we all had e veri good laughter todae, including mr.Siva! hehe thankz to SARAH JOAN SOH of 5N2..hehe alamk tht gerl is soo clumsy..actually, wad happen was.............
after History lesson was recess..soo after toking to mr.siva, me, sarah,fiqah,carmen and shiqi were walking out of the door..sarah kacho carmen n carmen hit her LIGHTLY with her elbow..lightly man, and sarah lost BALANCE! here comes da climax! she moves backward and fall down! da best part was tht she was holding on to fiqah and she oso fell down! hehe..carmen was standing @ da doorway with da door open somemre..don knw if anione else saw!! hehez
okie i m still thinking abt i tlaughing even during recess time whn i was alone sia! damn ppl tot i was mental! hehe during da fall, mr.siva didnt knw whether to hlp or to laugh..i strted laughing! was damn funny la! sadly no videos! todae had ASP..had english todae n i wrote e compo on a family memeber who was seriously ill..lolz..did e 621 wordy essay..haiz i knw i good gerl..proud? u better be, k world! hahaz..todae fiqah n carmen did threading! met them todae in chong they looked super hot! all of us were laughing n distrbing sarah abt her fall! damn la, we juz couldnt forget it..ppl in da bus stop kept laughing at fiqah, carmen and me sia! haha i love my babes! they made my dae todae! hehe sarah n da comp lab!! hahahaha!